Terms and conditions

General terms and conditions

Utilization of our platform or registration for a mentorship implies acceptance of these terms. In instances where agreement with these terms is not established, or where the ability to form a binding agreement is absent, registration for a mentorship or use of our platform is not permitted.

1.Welcome to Hearts and Stars!

This Agreement ("Terms") sets out the terms and conditions that govern your use of the Hearts and Stars platform (including online services and mentorship content), as well as your registration for any mentorship offered on behalf of a Mentor.

1.1. Each Mentorship is delivered in collaboration with a Mentor responsible for the content of the particular Mentorship 

1.2. By agreeing to these Terms, you also consent to the following policies applicable to, and accessible on, our websites including our Privacy Policy, Acceptable Use Policy, and any other policy that is made available on our Websites from time to time (“Policies”).

2. Accessing Hearts and Stars

2.1. Acceptance: By clicking on the "Accept terms and conditions" button when signing up for a Mentorship, you agree to be bound by these "Terms", which include, by reference, the Policies.

2.2. Accurate information: All information (including personal information) provided to us on registration, on creating an account, or while accessing Hearts and Stars services and Mentorships, must be true, accurate and complete. You are also responsible for updating us in the event of a change to your information. All personal information will be processed in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

2.3. Sanctions: To enroll in a Mentorship, you must be eligible to enroll in such Mentorship (including clearing any Hearts and Stars screening). You must not be subject to any sanctions, executive orders, regulations, or other such governmental actions prohibiting your enrollment, including paying to enroll in the Mentorship. 

2.4. License: Subject to these Terms, and to the payment of any applicable fees, we grant you a limited, personal, non-exclusive, non-transferable and revocable license to use our services and products, including all services associated with our Mentorships, and the Platforms through which Mentorship content is accessed.

2.5. Suitability of Mentorship: Before registering for any Mentorship, you are responsible for establishing the relevance and suitability of the Mentorship for your requirements, through consideration of the information supplied through our Websites, and asking questions, if necessary.

2.6. Commencement of Mentorship: You will only receive confirmation of your registration for a Mentorship, and be allowed access to the Platform, once you have successfully passed the screening application and have made the required payment for the Mentorship. There may also be a delay of access to the Platform until you are formally enrolled, or until the Mentorship commences as per your selected Mentorship commencement date.

2.7. Minors: You will not be allowed to register for a Mentorship if you are under the age of 18. 

2.8. Accessibility statement: Hearts and Stars is committed to providing a Platform that is accessible to the widest possible audience. However, we may need to interrupt your access to the Mentorship to perform maintenance or emergency services on a scheduled or unscheduled basis. You agree that your access to the Mentorship and/or Platform may be affected by unanticipated or unscheduled downtime, for any reason, but that we shall have no liability for any damage or loss caused as a result of such downtime.

3. Mentorship requirements

3.1. Basic requirements: In order to register in, receive support, and complete a Mentorship you must be proficient in English and you will need a current valid email account and access to an internet enabled device capable of accessing the Platform, uploading artwork and responding to communication.

3.2. Additional requirements: Certain Mentorships may require additional software and resources. These additional software and resource requirements will be communicated to students upon registration and/or at the beginning of the Mentorship. If we include third-party applications (“Third Party Apps”) in a Mentorship, you shall accept and agree to be bound by any Third Party Apps terms and conditions attributable to such applications. You are obliged to source and obtain access to the necessary software and resources required for the Mentorship completion at your own cost, and we won't be held liable for any consequences of the use of such software or resources. We do not sponsor or endorse, nor are we affiliated with, the entities responsible for software and resources unless expressly stated otherwise – these are simply programs chosen for their global use patterns and effectiveness for the Mentorship outcomes. We may change the requirements for a particular Mentorship at any time by advising you through the applicable Platform or by email to your chosen email address.

4. Mentorship delivery

4.1. Relationship with Mentor: All Mentorships are designed and developed in collaboration with the relevant Mentor. However, delivery of the Mentorship is administered by Hearts and Stars.

4.2. Language: English is the primary language of instruction and administration for all Mentorships, and all communication must be written in English, unless indicated otherwise. 

4.3. Platform: The platform can be accessed using the "Platform" website link provided to you with your registration. All Mentorship-related documentation is provided in electronic format and can be accessed through the Platform.

4.4. Communications: You may receive communication by telephone, email or text message from a Hearts and Stars representatives for Mentorship administration and related purposes, including reminders of submission and payments due by you, or other information related to your registration or these Terms. You agree and consent to receipt of such communications.

4.5. Access to the Platform: Upon your successful enrollment for a Mentorship, you will need to setup a profile on the applicable Platform (or, if you already have a profile, you will use your existing profile for the new Mentorship). If you are suspended from participation in a Mentorship (for non-payment of fees or any other valid reason), we may suspend access to the applicable Platform. Please note that there may be some time delay between registration and enrollment.

4.6. Permitted use: Only mentees who are registered for a Mentorship may participate in that Mentorship. You shall not divulge your username or password to any other person, permit any other person to participate in the Mentorship on your behalf, and/ or impersonate any other person in dealing with Hearts and Stars or when accessing your Platform by using another mentees's username and password. 

4.7. Your responsibility in the event of unauthorized use: You agree that you will contact us immediately at info@heartsandstars.co if you experience any unauthorized use of your profile details. You are responsible for the use of your profile on our Platform, and for maintaining it and all information on it. We take security seriously, but as the user, you accept all risks of any unauthorized access that could occur regarding your information.

4.8. Access disputes: If there is a dispute as to who has the right to operate a profile on a Platform, we may suspend the profile and deny access to the profile pending the outcome of the dispute to our satisfaction, and/or transfer the profile to the party claiming a right to it if we are satisfied that the profile was registered on behalf of that party.

4.9. Prohibited use: You are prohibited from doing the following:

4.9.1. Making available copies of the Mentorship content (or any portion thereof) on a network server, web server, or another website, for use/examination by others;

4.9.2. Using, displaying or otherwise making available the Mentorship content (or any portion thereof), or any other materials, to third parties in an electronic or print format that enables it to be downloaded or distributed to any third party via a mobile device, or shared in any peer-to-peer or similar file sharing arrangement, or enabling the distribution of the Mentorship  content by any other means;

4.9.3. Sub-licensing, reselling, renting, lending, assigning, ceding, donating or otherwise transferring or distributing the Mentorship content or your rights granted to you under these Terms

4.9.4. Reverse engineering, decompiling, or disassembling any software that is contained within Mentorship content or on the Platform; and

4.9.5. Removing any notice of copyright, trademark or any other proprietary right from any place where it is displayed on or embedded in the Mentorship content.

4.10. Platform capability: The Platform may not be fully compatible with all mobile devices, including smartphones and tablets. In order to access and participate effectively on the Platform, you may require access to a desktop computer or a laptop computer. You will be responsible for the cost of internet access and of any upgrades required to your computer or mobile device yourself.

4.11. External services: Certain Mentorships may require you to use external services. Hearts and Stars is not responsible for technical support for any external services. If you have any queries relating to external websites, contact the support services of the relevant services directly. Hearts and Stars will not be liable for any costs, claims or damages that you may suffer as a result of your use/misuse of, or failure to access, any external services.

4.12. Video: Video feedback is provided in the majority of Mentorships. Viewing these videos will be essential to your mentorship. If you are using a slower internet connection, attempts to view these videos may be difficult.

4.13. Coach: Your primary contacts during a Mentorship will be your Hearts and Stars Coach:

4.13.1. This Coach will ensure that you have access to Mentorship materials and are supported and well informed about Mentorship happenings. Your Coach will be available on the Platform and via email.

4.14. Mentor: Each Mentor is approved by, and presented in collaboration with Hearts and Stars. Nothing in these Terms establishes more than a very limited relationship between you and the Mentor with which we collaborate, or entitles you to use the resources of the Mentor beyond participation in the Mentorship, unless expressly stated otherwise in relation to a particular Mentorship.

5. Mentorship submissions

5.1. Mentorship submissions: Where applicable, submission are due on the date and time as indicated in the Mentorship calendar or as otherwise indicated by your Coach. Usually, you will be given a full week (including the weekend) to complete and submit work. If you are not able to meet an submission deadline, you are advised to request an extension through your Coach.

6. Mentee conduct

6.1. General rules: All students are required to adhere to the Acceptable Use Policy (below).

6.2. Offensive and prohibited content and communications: All communications on the Platform or through our Website, including any content published by you, must remain appropriate at all times. Hearts and Stars retains the right to monitor and investigate any communication which is alleged to be offensive or specifically prohibited. Hearts and Stars retains the right to take any action that we deem appropriate to ensure that Platform environment remains constructive. You agree to abide by the provisions of Acceptable Use Policy, especially in relation to offensive and prohibited conduct. In addition, you undertake not to use Hearts and Stars services to promote any business or enterprise, unless permitted to do so by a representative of Hearts and Stars in writing, or unless this forms part of a Mentorship requirement. To the extent that any person is harmed by your comments, Hearts and Stars shall not be held responsible for your behavior and you hereby release Hearts and Stars from and indemnify Hearts and Stars against any such liability.

6.3. Submitted work: Hearts and Stars requires that you take responsibility for the authenticity of your own work.

7. Pricing, payment and delivery

7.1. Mentorship fees: When you register for a Mentorship, you agree to pay the applicable Mentorship fee. We reserve the right to change any Mentorship fees at any time at our sole discretion. Any change, update, or modification will be effective immediately upon posting to the Hearts and Stars website.

7.2. Application Fees: Hearts and Stars reserves the right to charge application fees for the purpose of screening applicants. These fees are non-refundable and  are solely used to cover the costs of applicant screening. 

7.3. Promo codes: If you have been provided with a promo code and you would like to make use of it when you register for a Mentorship, you will have to indicate this on the Hearts and Stars Website when registering for the relevant Mentorship (where indicated), and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of this promo code. Should you register without utilizing the promo code, the promo code will become redundant and you will not be entitled to receive the benefit of the promo code, including a refund of any part of the Mentorship fee, once payment has been received by us. Promo codes are non-transferable and non-refundable.

7.4. Consequences of non-payment: If you fail to make the required payment for a Mentorship by the due date for payment (as agreed during application), then we may, in our sole discretion, remove you from the Mentorship or suspend your participation in the Mentorship. 

7.5. Dispute: If there is a dispute about payment of any Mentorship fee (or any portion thereof), or the way in which you use the Platform or the Website, we may at our sole discretion suspend your participation in the Mentorship for the period of the dispute.

8. Cancellations and postponements

8.1. Mentorship postponement: In order to postpone your participation in a Mentorship, you will need to contact your Coach to discuss your request. Your Coach will consult with you to discuss your request and assist you in reaching an informed decision before confirming your Mentorship postponement. Should you decide to go ahead with your postponement request, you will be required to complete and submit a postponement application form (which will be provided to you by your Coach). Please note that a postponement in a Mentorship will only be permitted once and no repeat postponements will be permitted. All applications for Mentorship postponements must be within 14 calendar days of your Mentorship start date. If you postpone your participation to a different Mentorship with a higher Mentorship fees than the cost of the Mentorship for which you initially registered, you will be invoiced for the difference in fees, and will only be given access to the new Mentorship once you have paid. If you are postponing your participation to a different Mentorship with a lower Mentorship fee than the cost of the Mentorship for which you initially registered, we will refund you the difference. We do not guarantee that future presentations of a Mentorship will be held; if you choose to postpone your participation in a Mentorship you do so at your own risk. Submissions (where applicable) that have been completed up until the date of the postponement will need to be resubmitted.

8.2. Cancellation of Mentorship: If you wish to cancel your participation in a Mentorship, you will need to contact your Coach to discuss your cancellation request. Your Coach will consult with you to discuss your request and assist you in reaching an informed decision. Should you decide to go ahead with your cancellation request, you will be required to complete and submit a cancellation of registration application form (which will be provided to you by your Coach). 

8.3. Refunds: If you complete and submit the cancellation of registration application form to cancel your participation in a Mentorship within 10 calendar days of the Mentorship start date, note that the Mentorship is time-based, and any refunds or payments will be made according to a pro-rata calculation of time spent

8.4. Insufficient demand: We reserve the right to cancel a Mentorship if there is insufficient demand, as determined by us in our sole and absolute discretion. In this case, you will receive a full refund, but no interest will accrue on any amounts refunded to you and any applicable bank charges will be offset against the refunded amount.

9. Limitation of liability and indemnity

9.2. No liability for Mentorship outcomes: We will not, under any circumstances, be liable for any costs, claims, damages, or loss that you may sustain or suffer as a result of registering for and/or participating in any Mentorship (or other services offered by us) which is not relevant, suitable or does not meet your requirements, and/or the requirements of any relevant industry or commercial body. Under no circumstances do we guarantee your suitability for a particular Mentorship.

9.2. Limitation of liability: With the exception of our willful misconduct, and to the maximum extent permitted by law, you agree that we will not be liable for any cost, claims, damages, including, without limitation, indirect, extrinsic, special, penal, punitive, exemplary or consequential loss (such as loss of profits, business, goodwill, revenue or anticipated savings) or other damages of any kind, penalties, actions, judgments, suits, expenses, disbursements, fines or other amounts that you or any third party might suffer relating to or arising from these Terms, your participation in a Mentorship, or the termination of a Mentorship, for any reason, whether or not anyone anticipated or should have anticipated that damages would occur. In no event will Hearts and Stars aggregate liability to you for any and all claims exceed the total amount of fees received by Hearts and Stars from you in the six months preceding any cause of action.

9.3. Acknowledgment: You acknowledge and agree that the disclaimers and limitations of liability set forth in these Terms reflect a reasonable and fair allocation of risk between you and Hearts and Stars, and that these limitations are an essential basis to our ability to make services available to you on an economically feasible basis.

9.4.Time constraint: You agree that, to the extent permissible by applicable law, any cause of action related to these Terms or Hearts and Stars services or Mentorships must commence within one (1) year after the cause of action comes into being. If not, such cause of action shall be permanently barred.

9.5. Indemnity: Subject to any applicable laws, you agree to indemnify and hold us harmless in respect of any claim that a third party might bring against us that relates to or arises from these Terms arising from your registration for and/ or participation in a Mentorship. This indemnity includes claims arising from your use of the Platform in a way that does not comply with these Terms or the unauthorized or prohibited access of your profile by a third party. This indemnity also includes all liability or loss that we might suffer as a result of a claim, including legal costs on the highest permissible scale and any additional legal and collection costs.

10. Interruption of Hearts and Stars website or platform

10.1. Interruption of service: You acknowledge and agree that from time to time, the Hearts and Stars Website and/or Platform may be inaccessible or inoperable, by reason of one or more of the following:

10.1.1. Equipment malfunctions or faults;

10.1.2. Periodic maintenance procedures, downtime, or repairs that we may undertake from time to time; or

10.1.3. Causes beyond our control, including, without limitation, interruption or failure of telecommunication or digital transmission links, government regulations, computer virus, attacks on the network and network congestion or other failures.

10.2. No breach: Such interruption to the accessibility of the Hearts and Stars Website or applicable Platform will not be deemed a breach of this Agreement under any circumstances whatsoever and we will not, under any circumstances, be liable to you for any costs, claims or damages that you may sustain or suffer as a result of any interruption, inoperability or inaccessibility of the Hearts and Stars Website and/or applicable Platform.

10.3. Security: We will use commercially reasonable measures to secure our system and your profile in the Platform, and related information, however, we cannot guarantee that unauthorized third parties will not be able to defeat our security measures. You undertake to notify us immediately of any compromise or unauthorized use of your account.

11. Intellectual property

11.1. Reservation of rights: Except where expressly stated to the contrary, copyright in the HTML, text, graphics, audio clips, video clips, source and/or object code and all other works (including trading marks and names) contained on the Website and/or Platform or otherwise provided to mentees by Hearts and Stars, is owned by us or licensed to us, and we assert and reserve all of our rights in this regard. Access to or use of our services and Mentorship will not in any way result in an assignment or license of any intellectual property owned by us or any other party.

11.2. Mentee content: The services and Mentorship may enable you to share your own content, including submissions, with Hearts and Stars, Mentors, the Coach, and fellow mentees. You retain all intellectual property rights in, and are responsible for, the content that you share, however you specifically agree and consent that we and the Mentor collaborating on your Mentorship shall be entitled to use (in our discretion) all content shared by you on the applicable Platform for internal research and development, Mentorship improvement and non-commercial purposes.Ultimately, it is your responsibility to ensure the proper protection of your intellectual property – if your intellectual property will be best protected by way of trade secret, or you have not filed for protection of your protectable intellectual property, then non-disclosure may be an essential protection. We cannot, and do not, guarantee that any intellectual property shared on our Platform or otherwise through the Website will not be used by other students.

12. Warranties and disclaimers

12.1. Disclaimers: To the extent permissible under applicable laws, all services, Mentorships and their content are provided "as is” without representations or warranties of any kind, whether express or implied, in respect thereof, and in particular, we make no representations or warranties regarding the quality of the Mentorship content or the fitness of the Mentorship content for the purpose for which you acquired it.

13. Termination of participation in a mentorship

13.1. Modifying and terminating services: We are constantly changing and improving our services and Mentorships. We may add or remove functions, features, or requirements, and we may suspend or stop our service altogether, giving enrolled mentees reasonable prior notice of any material changes. You may also discontinue your use of our services and Mentorships at any time.

13.2. Breach: If you breach these Terms and fail to remedy the breach within five (5) days after receiving a written notice, we may terminate your participation in the Mentorship for which you are registered, and you will not be entitled to a refund of any portion of the MentorshipCourse fee. We shall furthermore be entitled to immediately suspend your access to the Platform in the event of a material breach of these Terms, as determined in our sole discretion, pending an investigation into the relevant conduct.

14. Complaints and dispute resolution

14.1. General complaints policy: Whether it is positive or negative, Hearts and Stars encourages feedback from mentees. Where this feedback is a complaint about our Mentorship, product or service offering, or our conduct, we are committed to addressing the complaint in a timely and appropriate manner.

14.2. Lodging a complaint: Should you wish to lodge a complaint, you are required to submit this to info@heartsandstars.co. We will strive to ensure that anyone giving feedback is treated with the utmost courtesy and respect, and in return, we expect that anyone giving feedback or making a complaint will do so in a fair and appropriate manner. Where we determine that a complaint is abusive, unreasonable, or a mentee is unreasonably pursuing a complaint that has previously been investigated, we reserve our rights in relation to our response, and in particular, may elect not to pursue the procedure set out below.

14.3. Review and investigation: Once a complaint has been lodged, we will investigate and attempt to address the matter in question. At this stage, you may be required to provide supporting documentation or other evidence that may be relevant. We will endeavor to address complaints within five (5) working days (although this may not always be possible depending on the nature and severity of the complaint). In all cases, we will maintain open channels of communication and provide feedback or updates on the progress of the investigation. If a complaint cannot be addressed at its first stage, either party may request that the matter be looked into further. Escalations of this nature may be referred to the Mentor collaborating on your Mentorship who may investigate the matter further, and the Mentor may recommend an outcome or course of action.

14.4. Disputes: If a mutually-satisfactory outcome, course of action, or conclusion cannot be reached following from the complaints procedure, or any other kind of dispute arises between us, then you agree that it will be resolved individually, without resort to any form of class action, and, to the extent compliant with applicable law, exclusively by a court of competent jurisdiction located in South Africa. 

14.5. Nothing in this section will restrict our right to apply to a competent court for relief should our intellectual property rights be violated or threatened, or where otherwise appropriate to obtain urgent, injunctive or equitable relief.

15. General

15.1. Entire agreement: These Terms, together with the Policies, shall constitute the entire agreement between you and Hearts and Stars concerning your registration for and participation in a Mentorship.

15.2. Revision of Terms: We reserve the right to revise these Terms (including Policies) at our sole discretion from time to time. These revisions will become effective immediately on being posted to the Website and Platform, however, for all material changes to the Terms, we will take reasonable steps to notify you of such changes if you are registered for a Mentorship at the time when such changes come into effect.

15.3. Conflict: If any aspect of these Terms conflicts with any information provided on our Website or in information packs or other Mentorship materials, these Terms will prevail unless expressly stated otherwise.

15.4. Severability: In the event that any part of these Terms is found to be partially or fully unenforceable, this will not affect the application or enforceability of the remainder of these Terms.

15.5. Assignment: These Terms, and any rights and licenses granted hereunder, may not be transferred or assigned by you, but may be assigned by Hearts and Stars without restriction.

15.6. No indulgence/waiver: If Hearts and Stars chooses not to enforce any part of these Terms, this does not mean that it cannot do so at a later time. No waiver of any term shall be deemed a further or continuing waiver of such term.

Mentor terms and conditions

Welcome to Hearts and Stars! We are excited to partner with you to create meaningful and enriching mentorship experiences. Before embarking on this journey, please carefully review the following Mentorship Terms and Conditions. By participating as a mentor, you agree to abide by these terms, which constitute a legally binding agreement between you and Hearts and Stars.

1. Mentorship partnership

1.1. Hearts and Stars operates on a partnership model with mentors. As a mentor, you are a valued partner in the mentorship experience, contributing your expertise and insights.

2. Mentorship structure

2.1. Hearts and Stars is committed to facilitating a tailored and structured mentorship experience. We collaborate with mentors at the outset to develop a bespoke curriculum that meets the unique vision of the mentor. Our structured approach ensures a consistent and high-quality mentorship experience, underpinned by the expertise and guidance of our industry-leading mentors.

3. Mentorship fees

3.1. Mentorship Fee Structure: The Mentorship Fees for mentorship services is established upfront between the mentor and Hearts and Stars, reflecting the value and scope of the mentorship services provided. This fee is fixed and non-negotiable for the duration of the mentorship agreement unless otherwise mutually agreed upon in writing due to significant changes in the scope or nature of the mentorship services.

3.2. Review and Adjustment: In exceptional circumstances, if there is a significant change in the scope or nature of the mentorship services, the Mentorship Fee may be subject to review. Both the mentor and Hearts and Stars must agree in writing to any fee adjustments. This ensures transparency and mutual agreement on any changes to the financial terms of the mentorship.

4. Platform fees

4.1. Hearts and Stars will set non-negotiable platform fees at the beginning of each mentorship collaboration, covering the use of our platform, mentorship management, facilitated sessions.

4.2. Notification of Changes: Hearts and Stars reserves the right to review and adjust the platform's fee policies. Any changes to the fee structure will be communicated to registered mentors with adequate notice. Mentors are required to acknowledge and accept these changes to continue using the platform's services.

5. Application fees

5.1. Hearts and Stars reserves the right to charge application fees to users for the purpose of screening applicants. These fees are not owed to the mentor and are solely used to cover the costs of applicant screening.

6. Mentee fee collection and milestone payments

6.1. Hearts and Stars will manage the collection of mentee fees on behalf of mentors, ensuring a seamless and secure financial process. Mentorship Fees will be collected upfront and disbursed to mentors according to predefined milestones achieved during the mentorship. This approach aligns financial incentives with the progress and success of the mentorship, fostering a productive and goal-oriented environment.

7. Payment processing

7.1. Hearts and Stars will process payments to mentors through a third-party payment provider, ensuring a seamless and secure transaction process.

8. Currency

8.1. Payments to mentors will be conducted in the currency agreed upon between Hearts and Stars and the mentor.

9. Fee responsibility

9.1. Hearts and Stars is responsible for fees, costs, and expenses related to the selected payment provider unless otherwise agreed in writing.

10. Withholding and repayment

10.1. Hearts and Stars reserves the right to withhold, delay, or seek repayment of payments in case of suspected fraud, money laundering, or violations of law or regulations.

11. Use of session content

11.1. Any content produced during the facilitated sessions may be used to provide feedback to mentees, enhancing the overall mentorship experience.

11.2. Mentors agree to be recorded during facilitated sessions for the purpose of providing constructive feedback to mentees.

12. Non-solicitation of staff

12.1. Mentors are prohibited from soliciting Hearts and Stars staff for employment opportunities. This policy is in place to maintain the professional integrity and operational stability of the Hearts and Stars platform. Any attempts to breach this policy may result in the termination of the mentor's engagement with Hearts and Stars.

These Mentorship Terms and Conditions are designed to foster a collaborative and mutually beneficial partnership between Hearts and Stars and mentors. We appreciate your commitment to creating inspiring mentorship experiences for aspiring artists. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our support team. Thank you for being a part of Hearts and Stars!

Acceptable use policy

Your use of the Hearts and Stars platform, including the website, app, and associated services (collectively referred to as our "Platform"), is governed by this Acceptable Use Policy. Terms defined in the Site Terms of Service or other relevant agreements hold the same meaning in this Acceptable Use Policy.

1.User responsibility

You are responsible for your use of the Hearts and Stars Platform, including any content you submit, your account, and your interactions with other users.

You represent and warrant that:

1.1. You will not use a false identity or provide false or misleading information.

1.2. You will not create an account if you have been previously removed or banned from our Platform.

1.3. You will use any Hearts and Stars content for the specific limited purposes set forth in the Site Terms or any applicable Additional Terms.

1.4. In connection with any mentorship, you will not request or fulfill a request involving illegal activities, violence, hate speech, or that disparages any person, entity, brand, or business.

2. Prohibited conduct

You will not:

2.1. Violate any law, regulation, or court order.

2.2. Violate, infringe, or misappropriate the intellectual property, privacy, publicity, moral or other legal rights of any third party.

2.3. Submit, post, share, or communicate anything that is illegal, abusive, harassing, threatening, hateful, racist, derogatory, harmful, pornographic, indecent, profane, obscene, or otherwise objectionable.

2.4. Send spam or any other unsolicited or unauthorized communications.

2.5. Engage in spidering, harvesting, or the use of software designed to collect data from our Platform.

2.6. Transmit viruses or other computer instructions intended to disrupt, damage, or interfere with the use of computers or related systems.

2.7. Stalk, harass, threaten, or harm any third party.

2.8. Impersonate any third party.

2.9. Participate in fraudulent or illegal activities, including phishing, money laundering, or fraud.

2.10. Attempt to circumvent technological measures to protect our Platform, users, or any other third party.

2.11. Advocate, encourage, or assist any third party in engaging in prohibited conduct.

3. Investigations

While we are not obligated to monitor access or use of our Platform, we reserve the right to do so to:

3.1. Operate our Platform.

3.2. Enforce this Policy or our Terms.

3.3. Comply with applicable laws, regulations, court orders, or other legal requests.

3.4. Protect the rights, safety, and well-being of our users and third parties.

4. Consequences of violation

Violation of this Acceptable Use Policy may result in the suspension or termination of your account and access to our Platform.

5. Reporting violations

Users are encouraged to report any violations of this Policy to Hearts and Stars for prompt investigation and resolution.

By using the Hearts and Stars Platform, you acknowledge and agree to comply with this Acceptable Use Policy. Failure to adhere to these guidelines may result in the termination of your account and access to our Platform.